Bulk Whole Sardines

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STORAGE : Reefer Container – 18° Degrees C



Bulk Whole Sardines are an excellent source of omega 3 essential fatty acid, vitamin D, calcium, selenium & phosphorus which support bone strength, cellular function, cardiovascular health, and overall wellness. Feed sardines to your dog as part of a fully balanced rotational diet or as a mouth-watering treat. You can even cut them into chunks for your cat to enjoy!

On a hot summer day, you can feed it frozen to help cool down your pet! Serving it frozen also makes it less messy so it becomes easy to give your dog or cat some healthy fish!

Sardines are considered a neutral/cooling protein and are a great addition to the diet for pets with inflammation, yeast, or itchy skin.

Feeding Tips

It is recommended that fatty fish make up 5-15% of your pet’s diet, depending on what other proteins they are eating and if they have any joint inflammation or skin and coat issues. White meats such as chicken and turkey are more deficient in omega-3’s than red meats, so if you feed more white meats, it is recommended to supplement with additional omega-3’s to help balance the diet.

As these fish are high in fat, pets that are not used to eating fish may experience some stomach upset. We recommend starting slow and spreading fish out over the course of a week, rather than a whole meal of fish to help ease any digestive issues.

True Carnivore’s recommends that you always supervise your pet when feeding whole prey items and raw bones. Handfeeding is a training technique to prevent gulping. Hold the fish or raw bone in one hand, teaching them to chew with the side of their mouth to enjoy the treat before swallowing. Offering whole prey and raw bones frozen may help to prevent gulping from eager eaters, and will extend the chew time for a more enjoyable chew.

Nutritional Info

Per 100g:

Calories – 115

Crude Protein – 19.4g

Crude Fat – 4.2g

Calcium – 20.0mg

Phosphorus – 257.0mg

Omega-3 (EPA + DHA) – 0.25 g

Niacin (B3) – 1.79 mg

Vitamin D – 0.7 mcg

Cobalamin (B12) – 1.46 mcg


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