CobbA breed developed in the United States that is known for its meat production and maturation rate. Cobb chickens are often used in industrial meat production because they waste little feed.
RossA hybrid breed that originated from a combination of the Ross chicken from Scotland and the Cobb chicken. Ross chickens are popular in commercial broiler companies because of their fast growth and high meat yield.
Here are some other characteristics of Cobb and Ross chickens:
- Growth rate: Both Cobb and Ross chickens are fast-growing breeds, and can reach a weight of around 2–2.5 kg in as little as six weeks.
- Body type: Both Cobb and Ross chickens have broad chests and wide feet.
- Appetite: Both Cobb and Ross chickens have a voracious appetite.
- Genetic engineering: Some say that Ross Cobb chickens are genetically engineered to be inherently obese.
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